Lauren's bookshelf: currently-reading

Down Among the Dead Men
0 of 5 stars
tagged: currently-reading

Thursday, 5 January 2012


It is almost 4am, and I REALLY should be getting my essay sorted, but instead, after 3 weeks off of work, I am preparing myself for a number of things. Firstly, the first of four 12 hour night shifts (hence the reason I am awake until the early hours getting ready to sleep all day), secondly the Dukan diet, and although I ate very well last night, the simple thought of it is already making my stomach rumble. And lastly, to choose and start another book.

The christmas decorations all came down last night, which I always feel is a little sad, and I still didn't manage to buy any wise men to come and visit my baby Jesus....maybe next year. Putting the decorations away managed to cause WW3 in our household as I seem to have accumulated a few to many sparkling splendours and they didn't quite all fit into the hide'y hole cupboard under the stairs. Ooops. Can I just note that this will not stop me from buying more next year, I LOVE christmas.

The shopping arrived today in preparation for my forthcoming diet regieme. I have a mantra ready to chant when times get hard 'I will be skinnier than my mum' and a rigid plan stuck to the fridge to put a stop to temptation. Having already had two dinner invites next week, I have no idea how or where I will find the will-power required.

I am quite excited about the prospect of the book challenge (see last post), and even more excited about all the book blogs I have since discovered. I have followed a few, and intend to think about joining a few more challenges. For now, I have decided what books to read over 700 pages, but I do have the whole year for the challenge to be completed, so am undecided whether to dive straight in there with another hefty number, or read something on the lighter side.

And lastly, I know I keep going on about it, but this essay is going nowhere fast. After creating a huge pile of chaos, I really thought I had it all going in the right direction. But 1004 words later (only 396 of my word limit left) I have a lot of waffle and only half of the necessary content. Bummer! Considering there is so much riding on the damn thing, I should be able to find more motivation to get it completed.

Oh well. So I'm off to scour the kindle and pick my next read.

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