2012 hasn't exactly started as I hope for it to go on, but it has made me think about all the things that I want to do, perhaps not all this year (I think my list may be a little ambitious for 365 days), and what better way than to record it all and just see how much I can manage. Now much of the 'stuff' on my list is of very little importance, just niggley little things that I never get round to doing, or half finished projects that I want to pick up and complete. I would also like a venting ground, like many of my colleagues, although I am not entirely sure at this moment where the land lies with blogging about my job (although so many people have brilliant and fascinating blogs on the subject), so this is definitely something high up on my 'to-do list' to find out and hopefully put into practice.
I am currently reading one of the most amazing books I have EVER read, and will recommend to everybody. It's called Shantaram and is truly inspiring. I think it partly has a lot to do with the birth of this blog, and the realisation that there is still so much out there to discover and do. I have made no real new years resolutions, but do aim to complete as many 'things', 'tasks', 'goals' from my list, and I guess keep discovering and adding to it. If I pick up a few friends or followers along the way, then that will be an extra bonus.
The start of 'The List'
1. Read more - aim is at least 26 novels a year
2. Use my camera more and blog with pictures as well as words - maybe a project 52??
3. Start the Dukan diet and actually stick to it (This begins on Friday 6th - could be some moody blogginh to follow.......I hate being hungry)
4. Study harder and not just for exams
5. Put together a more professional portfolio
6. Travel abroad as a volunteer in a medical capacity
7. Finish all the crochet projects I started last year
8. Choose and apply for a masters degree
9. Get involved in public education
10. Pay of my debts (This should probably be top of the list)
11. Spend some time on a maternity unit
12. Spend some time in a minor injuries unit
13. Be more organised
14. Have more time for my Husband (this sounds bad, I have a lot of love and time for him, but am not always great at sharing it out well with my shift patterns)
15. Learn a useful language
16. Learn Sign language
17. Decorate the hallway
18. Get a new kitchen floor
19. Buy a new bed
20. Invest in a dishwasher
21. Go to Zumba classes
22. Spend more time with family
23. Complete my paramedic training (also another thing that should be higher in my list)
24. Learn about world history
25. Doing an advanced ECG course
26. Getting back my drive and will-power (And maybe working out what has driven it out of me over the past couple of years) I used to be able to put my mind to anything, I now seem so easily distracted.
27. Write more and eventually a book, probably a text book as I'm not overly imaginative or creative with the English Language.
So as I said, not all profound and meaningful, and probably only the start. It's the beginning of 2012, lets see how it all turns out!
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